Sunday, March 27, 2016


Religion:  We will discuss Easter this week.  We will pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Saint of the Week:  Saint Stanislaus

Reading/English:  Unit 10:  Research to Build and Present Knowledge:  Write Research Reports
-skills:  read a student model about research reports on rainforest animals, listen to a read-aloud about rainforest animals in order to gather facts for use in writing a research report, recall facts about rainforest animals and, using a chart, organize the facts for inclusion in a research report, and sentences (simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory)

Spelling:  -ly, -ful words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  careful, gladly, nicely, painful, playful, quickly, sadly, slowly, useful, wonderful, because, across

List 2:  afternoon, droopy, poodle, spoonful, zoomed, faithful, thankful, carefully, friendly, smoothly, because, across

Math:  Chapter 10:  Represent Data
-skills:  read and make bar graphs and tally charts, addition fluency:  3-digits + 2 digits

Science:  Chapter 9:  Movement and Sound
-Talk about what magnets do---attract, repel, poles, etc.

Social Studies:  Women's History
-continue talking about famous women in history, the children will interview a woman in their life (DUE FRIDAY)


Notes from the Teacher:

-I would like to thank all of you for the prayers for my family and me during the illness and passing of my mom.  It’s been a very difficult time for me, and your prayers and kind words are very much appreciated!

-This is the week for Free Dress for students who sold World’s Finest Chocolate candy bars.  If you forget to wear free dress on Monday you may come out of uniform on Tuesday instead.

-April 1 is a FREE DRESS Day!

Upcoming Events

Mar. 28- Jean Day for WFC Chocolate Bar Sellers (Students earned up to 5 days- one day for each box sold. Coupons will be sent home.)
Mar. 31- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 1- Free Dress Day for Everyone
Apr. 4-8- Spring Break
Apr. 14- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 15- Beach Day in the Cafeteria Students may bring a beach towel to school to eat lunch on.
Apr. 15- 1:15 Jubilee Jam
Apr. 21- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 25- MAP Testing
Apr. 28- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 29- Free Dress Day
May 5- 9:00 Mass
May 12- 9:00 Mass
May 17- Primary Election Day- NO SCHOOL
May 19- 9:00 Closing School Mass