Saturday, March 5, 2016


Religion:  Chapter 15:  The Holy Spirit is Our Helper
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
Saint of the Week:  Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Stations of the Cross:  Thursdays at 12:30  

Reading / English:
-skills:  use story illustrations and text to describe characters, setting, or events, answer questions about key details in a text read aloud, and make connections across texts by comparing characters, shades of meaning

Spelling:  long o (oa, ow) words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1: 

blow, boat, coat, loaf, pillow, road, row, snow, soap, yellow, once, wild

List 2: 

boast, coach, loaded, roamed, growth, rainbows, shrimp, spring, stripes, throat, once, wild

Math:  Chapter 9:  Measurement
-skills:  make a nonstandard measuring tool, measure and compare, mid chapter checkpoint, review weak skills from midyear test

Science:  sound
-talk about sound, sound waves, discuss stem activity (making a musical instrument)

Social Studies:  newspaper, Harriet Tubman
-talk about newspapers (newspapers in education week), discuss Harriet Tubman, presentation on newspapers Thursday at 1:30


Notes from the Teacher:
-We are in need of volunteers to help clean up after the PTO Auction Dinner March 19.  If you can help, please let me know as soon as possible.  Thank you!

-Registration to attend OCS for the 2016-2017 School Year begins March 7!  Registration helps us plan for staffing for next year. It is very important that you get your forms filled out ONLINE as soon as possible. On the 7th, you should receive an email from OCS with information on how to begin the process.
-If your child will need After School Care, you will also sign up for this during ONLINE registration. This program fills up quickly, so don’t delay in signing up!

-David Klafeta (Ben’s dad) will be teaching Junior Achievement to our class once a week for the next few weeks.  We appreciate the time he’s spending to work with our children.  Thank you, Mr. Klafeta!

Upcoming Events
Mar. 7- Registration for the 2016-2017 Year begins
Mar. 7- RiverPark (makeup) – Peter Rabbit Tales
Mar. 10- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 11- Jubilee Jam
Mar. 14-18- Book Fair
Mar. 17- 9:00 Mass / 6:00-7:00 Open House
Mar. 18- Free Dress Day / tornado drill / report cards go home
Mar. 19- PTO Auction Dinner
Mar. 21&22- DARE officer classroom visits
Mar. 21-25- NHS Food and Personal Care Drive
Mar. 25- Registration Deadline
Mar. 25- 9:00 Good Friday Service-Chaplet of Divine Mercy- in Church
Mar. 28- Jean Day for WFC Chocolate Bar Sellers (Students earned up to 5 days- one day for each box sold. Coupons will be sent home.)
Mar. 31- 9:00 Mass