We will say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
Stations of the Cross- Thursdays at 1:15
Reading: Henry & Mudge & Mrs. Hopper's House
Skills: suffixes -ly, -ful, vowels in noon, cause and effect, adjectives that compare
-selection test Thursday
Spelling: -ly, -ful words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Thursday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: careful, gladly, nicely, painful, playful, quickly, sadly, slowly, useful, wonderful, because, across
List 2: afternoon, droopy, poodle, spoonful, zoomed, faithful, thankful, carefully, friendly, smoothly, because, across
Math: Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction
-practice addition and subtraction, review, and Chapter 8 test
Science: Chapter 8: Observing Matter
Social Studies: citizens vote
Notes from the Teacher:
Anna Claire Bennett has 100 AR points!
Congratulations, Anna Claire!!
-Thank you, Meghan Kyle, for donating the
book from the book fair for our classroom!
It was very thoughtful of you!
-The Heifer International Project ends
Thursday, April 3.
-Report cards went home last Friday. Please don’t forget to sign them and return
them to school.
April 3- 900 Mass/ last day to turn in $$ for Heifer International Project
April 4- No School
April 7-11- Spring Break
April 14-18- HOLY WEEK
April 14-17- NHS Canned Food Drive
April 17- Holy Thursday- We will go to the ASP Room
to participate in the “washing of the feet”
April 18- 9:00- Good Friday Service
April 22- Last Day to Order Market Day
April 24- 9:00 Mass
April 25- Free Dress Day
April 26- 10:00-11:00- Pick up Market Day orders