We will say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
Stations of the Cross on Thursdays at 1:15
Reading: Peter's Chair
-Skills: compound words, character, setting, plot, vowels ew, ue, ui, and adjectives for how many
-Selection test Thursday
Spelling: compound words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: backpack, baseball, bluebird, brainstorm, flashlight, herself, inside, lunchbox, outside, suitcase, picture, remember
List 2: chew, newspaper, outgrew, gluestick, bruise, grapefruit, grasshopper, knockout, oatmeal, wristwatch, picture, remember
Math: Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction
Skills: use models to add, make ten to add, use place value to add, and addition word problems
Science: Chapter 8: Observing Matter
Social Studies: family roles and responsibilities
Notes from the Teacher:
Ella Johnston has 50 AR points!
Congratulations, Ella!! Meghan
Kyle also has 50 AR points! Way to go,
Meghan!! Jaiden Grant has 50 AR points as well! Fabulous, Jaiden!!
-Book Fair PREVIEW Day is Tuesday
8:00-8:20. Book Fair PURCHASE Day is Wednesday 12:30-1:00.
-This is the last
month for Book It!
Upcoming Events
Mar. 24- Book Fair Begins
Mar. 27- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 28- 9:15- 1st Grade Field Trip to
March 28- Report cards go home
April 3- 900 Mass
April 4- No School
April 7-11- Spring Break
April 14-18- HOLY WEEK
April 14-17- NHS Canned Food Drive
April 17- Holy Thursday- We will go to the ASP Room
to participate in the “washing of the feet”
April 18- 9:00- Good Friday Service
April 22- Last Day to Order Market Day
April 24- 9:00 Mass
April 25- Free Dress Day
April 26- 10:00-11:00- Pick up Market Day orders