Reading: The Lady in the Moon
-Skills: long i, ie, igh, realism/fantasy, adjectives for what kind, kn, wr
-Selection test Thursday
Spelling: long i (ie, igh)
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: bright, high, lie, light, might, night, pie, right, tie, tight, above, laugh
List 2: flies, delight, tried, firefighter, sight, knelt, knock, shipwreck, wreath, wrong, above, laugh
Math: Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction
-Skills: add and subtract with 20, add tens, subtract tens, and use 100 chart to add
Science: Chapter 8: Observing Matter
Social Studies: history of St. Patrick
Notes from the Teacher:
AR NEWS: Gracie Dukate has 50 AR points! Congratulations, Gracie!!
-Pre-Registration to attend OCS for the 2014-2015 School Year is March 3- March 21.
Pre-Registration helps us plan for staffing for next year. It is very important that you get your form
turned in as soon as possible. In
your Pre-Registration packet there is a Registration form for the After School
Program. This MUST be turned in with Pre-Registration Forms to ensure a place
in the program.
-PTO – Final Meeting for this year! Please come! Tuesday, March 18 at OCMS at 6:00
pm! Discussion Items: Officers for 2014-2015 School
Year, Auction Dinner Results, and more!
-This is the last month for Book It!
Upcoming Events
Mar. 18- Last Day to Order Market Day
Mar. 18- 6:00 PTO Meeting OCMS Cafeteria
Mar. 19- Risk Watch Program with Owensboro Fire
Mar. 20- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 21- Free Dress Day
Mar. 22- 10:00-11:00 Market Day Pick Up at K-3
Mar. 24- Book Fair Begins
Mar. 27- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 28- 9:15- 1st Grade Field Trip to
April 3- 900 Mass
April 4- No School
April 7-11- Spring Break
April 14-18- HOLY WEEK
April 14-17- NHS Canned Food Drive