Friday, March 10, 2017


Religion:  Lent, St. Patrick, and the Holy Trinity
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Fridays.
Stations of the Cross:  Friday afternoons
Saint of the Week:  Saint Patrick

Reading/English:  Unit 9:  Reading Literature:  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
-skills: use story illustrations and text to describe characters, settings, or events, compare and contrast texts, and shades of meaning (synonyms)

Spelling:  compound words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1: 

backpack, baseball, bluebird, brainstorm, flashlight, herself, inside, lunchbox, outside, suitcase, picture, remember

List 2: 

chew, newspaper, outgrew, gluestick, bruise, grapefruit, grasshopper, knockout, oatmeal, wristwatch, picture, remember

Math:  Chapter 7:  Compare Numbers
-skills:  10 more and 10 less, chapter 7 review and test, chapter 8 pretest, and add and subtract within 20

Science:  Living and Nonliving Things

Social Studies:  St. Patrick's Day


Notes from the Teacher:
-Registration to attend OCS for the 2017-2018 School Year for CURRENT families will be from March 6- March 17. This year you MUST do 3 things before you can apply for Financial Assistance:
1) Register online   2) Turn in a parish voucher   3) Pay the $50 registration fee
If you do this by March 17, the $50 goes  toward your tuition.  Registration helps us plan for staffing for next year, so please register early!  If your child will need After School Care, you will also sign up for this during online registration. This program fills up quickly, so don’t delay in signing up!

-We are collecting new stuffed animals and dolls for children in foster care in Kentucky for a Lenten Service Project.  The donation deadline is March 31.  Thank you!

-Thank you to Mr. Wade Kanipe (Marilla’s dad) for volunteering to be our JA representative!  We appreciate you, Mr. Kanipe!

Upcoming Events:
Mar. 13-17- Book Fair
Mar. 16- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 17- Students may wear GREEN for St. Patrick’s
Day with uniform bottoms
Mar. 23- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 25- 7:00-9:00  Daddy-Daughter Dance at Immaculate Parish Hall
Mar. 30-9:00- Mass- OUR MASS!!!
Mar. 31- FREE DRESS DAY- Wear your favorite sports
team for March Madness / NO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM TODAY!
April 3-7- Spring Break
April 14- 9:00 Good Friday Service
April 20- 9:00 Mass
April 25-6:00 PTO Meeting at the K-3 Campus
April 27- 9:00 Mass
May 4- 9:00 Mass
May 11- 9:00 Mass with Bishop Medley
May 12- AR Picnic (make up day is May 15 IF needed due to weather)