Saturday, February 4, 2017


Religion:  Chapter 11:  Jesus Teaches Us About Forgiveness
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
Saint of the Week:  St. Blase

Reading/English:  Unit 8:  Text Types and Purposes:  Write Opinion Pieces and finish All About Penguins unit
-skills:  analyze a student model and plan an opinion piece about a favorite neighborhood place, prepositions

Spelling:  ai, ay words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1: 

afraid, day, gray, mail, may, play, rain, tail, train, way, about, would

List 2:
brain, chain, paint, strain, always, birthday, stray, today, everyone’s, Mama’s, about, would

Math:  finish Chapter 4:  Subtraction Strategies, begin Chapter 5:  Addition and Subtraction Relationships
-skills:  problem solving add or subtract, record related facts, chapter 4 test, chapter 5 pretest

Science:  microscopes
-label and discuss parts of a microscope

Social Studies:  geography, directions
-continents, oceans, compass rose


Notes from the Teacher:
-We all had a wonderful and exciting Catholic Schools Week!  Thank you for the yummy goodies sent in for the faculty!!  J
**All students may bring in valentines to exchange on Tuesday, February 14.  Due to our policy on snacking and food allergies, children are NOT allowed to bring in valentines with ANY type of candy attached to them or valentines that are packages of candy. There is no way to monitor and ensure that all candy brought in is safe. IF your child brings cards with candy, we will have to send them back home. Thank you for helping us keep all of our children safe.
Students may wear RED tops with their uniform bottoms on Valentine’s Day!**

Upcoming Events
Feb. 9- NO Mass.  9:00-Living Rosary in the Gym, followed by a Jubilee Jam
Feb. 14- Students may wear RED or PINK tops for Valentine’s Day WITH UNIFORM BOTTOMS
Feb. 16- 9:00- Mass
Feb. 18- OCS Dinner and Auction
Feb. 20- School is IN Session (Snow Make Up Day)
Feb. 23- 9:00- Mass
Feb. 25- 12:00-2:00 Used Uniform Sale-K-3 Campus Cafeteria
Feb. 28- Officer DARE
Mar. 1- 9:00- Ash Wednesday Mass
Mar. 2- 9:00 Jubilee Jam
Mar. 3- NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
Mar. 8- 9:15- RiverPark Field Trip- “Miss Nelson is Missing”