Thursday, February 16, 2017


Religion:  Unit 3 Wrap Up
We will pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
Saint of the week:  Saint Francisco and Jacinta Marto

Reading/English:  Unit 9:  Reading Literature:  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
-skills:  use story illustrations and text to describe characters, setting, or events, answer questions about key details in a text read aloud, and shades of meaning

Spelling:  long o:  oa, ow words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  blow, boat, coat, loaf, pillow, road, row, snow, soap, yellow, once, wild

List 2:  boast, coach, loaded, roamed, growth, rainbows, shrimp, spring, stripes, throat, once, wild

Math:  Chapter 5:  Addition and Subtraction Relationships
-skills:  choose an operation, ways to make numbers to 20, equal and not equal, place value

Science:  Problem / Solution
-groups will be given a problem and will work together to plan a solution, then present their solution to the class

Social Studies:  Presidents' Day
-compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and George Washington


Notes from the Teacher:
     March 6-10 is National School Breakfast Week.  Parents may come in and eat breakfast with their child before school on the following days:
                            March 7- “Muffins with Mom”        March 9- “Donuts with Dad”

Breakfast serving will start at 7:00 on these days instead of the usual time (7:15).

Upcoming Events

Feb. 20- School is IN Session (Snow Make Up Day)
Feb. 23- 9:00- Mass
Feb. 25- 12:00-2:00 Used Uniform Sale-K-3 Campus Cafeteria
Feb. 28- Officer DARE
Mar. 1- 9:00- Ash Wednesday Mass
Mar. 2- 9:00 Jubilee Jam
Mar. 3- NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
Mar. 7- 7:00-7:30 Muffins with Mom
Mar. 8- 9:15- RiverPark Field Trip- “Miss Nelson is Missing”
Mar. 9- 7:00-7:30 Donuts with Dad / 9:00 Mass /Open House for new families
Mar. 10- report cards go home
Mar. 13-17- Book Fair
Mar. 16- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 17- Students my wear GREEN for St. Patrick’s Day with uniform bottoms
Mar. 23- 9:00 Mass