Friday, August 19, 2016


Religion:  We will continue talking about creation.  We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

Reading:  short i, final x, characters, setting, and main event in a story, fable, realism, and fantasy

Spelling:  short i words
-pretest Monday

-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  in, it, did, sit, six, fix, lip, mix, pin, wig, and, take
 List 2:  grin, grip, thin, thick, quick, quit, dish, fish, trim, trick, and, take

Math:  Chapter 11:  Three-Dimensional Geometry
skills- take apart three dimensional shapes and two dimensional shapes on three dimensional shapes

Science:  Population
-discussions on population increase/decrease

Social Studies:  Olympics
-talk about the Olympics, teamwork, graphing of medals


Notes from the Teacher:

- I enjoyed talking with all of you on curriculum night! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with me. 

-We have begun taking AR tests.  The tests can be a little tricky at times.  Please encourage your child to read their book twice before taking a test on it. This will help with comprehension. 

-To gain access to your child’s grades in INow please email . List each of your children’s name and grade and tell your relationship to the child. (mother, father). You will receive an email giving you a username and password.

Once you have this, INow can be accessed through the Parent Portal on the website.

Important School Events

Aug. 25-9:00-Opening Mass
Aug. 26- Free Dress Day
Sept. 1- 9:00-Mass
Sept. 5- Labor Day
Sept. 8- 9:00- Mass
Sept. 9-1:00-Blood Drive in memory of Kate Hayden-K-3 Campus Parking Lot
Sept. 13-6:00-PTO Meeting
Sept 15- 9:00-Mass
Sept. 16- Lock Down Drill
Sept. 22- 9:00- Mass
Sept. 23- Picture Day (Free Dress Day)
Sept. 29- 9:00- Mass