Saturday, August 13, 2016


Religion:  We will be talking about creation this week and the Assumption of Mary.
We will pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

Reading/English:   short a, final ck, character, setting, opinion writing, genre:  realistic fiction

Spelling:  short a words
-pretest Monday-I will give a pretest to the group.  Students that don't miss any (or maybe just one or two) will receive the list 2 words.  These are a little more difficult than the original list.  THERE WILL BE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ON CURRICULUM NIGHT THURSDAY.
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists

List 1:  at, can, cat, back, dad, am, bat, mad, ran, sack, way, on

List 2:  black, snack, quack, that, flat, band, grand, tram, scram, scramble, on, way

Math:  Chapter 11:  Two and Three Dimensional Shapes
skills:  two- and three-dimensional geometry

Science:  review safety rules of home and school

Social Studies:  discuss responsibilities, personal belongings, and respect


Notes from the Teacher:

-The first three days were very exciting!  The children are already getting into the groove!  We had lots of smiles and happy faces!

-I will send the newsletter via e-mail from now on.  There will be more information on Curriculum Night Thursday.  I hope to see you there!  

- No birthday parties are permitted at the K-3 Campus. Due to the increase in food allergies, and in order to ensure the safety of all students absolutely NO food may be brought in for a child’s birthday. Birthday invitations are not to be brought to school and distributed unless all members of the same gender in the classroom are invited.
  All snacks brought to school, must be individually wrapped OR in an individual baggie. Students MAY NOT bring in snacks for anyone other than themselves. In order to protect all children with food allergies, we ask that parents refer to the website to find nutritional and safe snacks. Please do NOT send in snacks with peanut butter or peanuts in them. Thank You!

-Parents can view students’ grades online through the INow program. If you don’t have a log in or are having difficulty logging into an existing account, please email

In your email include your full name and your child’s full name and grade level. You should receive an email back with instructions and a log in and username.

Important School Events

Aug. 15-Mass-Assumption of Mary-9:00
Aug. 18- 1:00 Jubilee Jam in GYM/ 6:00 Parents only Information/Curriculum Night
Aug. 25-9:00-Opening Mass
Aug. 26- Free Dress Day
Sept. 1- 9:00-Mass
Sept. 5- Labor Day
Sept. 8- 9:00- Mass
Sept. 9-1:00-Blood Drive in memory of Kate Hayden-K-3 Campus Parking Lot
Sept. 13-6:00-PTO Meeting