We will pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Saint of the Week: St. Philip and St. James
Reading / English: reading informational text: integration of knowledge and ideas
- matching texts to corresponding visuals, main ideas, using pictures and details, identifying author's opinions and reasons given to support those opinions, answer questions about key ideas
Spelling: oo words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1:
book, moon, took, food, look, pool, zoo, noon, good, foot, instead, another
List 2:
shook, woody, arrived, closing, riding, saved, shaking, surprised, taming,
anotherMath: Chapter 11: Three Dimensional Geometry
skills: identify three-dimensional objects, talk about vertices, faces, curved and flat surfaces, and edges, addition and subtraction fluency, fractions review
Science: Chapter 8, Lesson 4: How can water change?
-Discuss sink or float, buoyancy
Social Studies: Cinco de Mayo, Kentucky Derby
-Discuss Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby
Notes from the Teacher:
We will have a Prayer Service to celebrate the year and to send our 3rd grade students off as they leave the K-3 Campus. School is dismissed after the Service at 11:00. If you are not attending, please pick your child up at school at 11:00. Please let me know how your child is getting home, especially if they are riding with someone else. We will not be using busses on the last day of school. Thank you!
Important Events
May 5- 9:00 Mass
May 12- 9:00 Mass – May Crowning
of Mary after Mass
May 17- Primary Election Day- NO
May 19- 9:00 Closing School Mass
May 20- 8:30-1:00 AR Picnic to
Legion Park
May 23- 9:00-11:00 - Drive In Movie
Day-Bring a blanket or towel to school
May 25- Spring Fling- Inflatables
in the GYM – 1st grade 8:30-9:30
May 26- 9:00 Living Rosary /
Jubilee Jam immediately following
May 27- Free Dress Day/ 10:00
Closing Prayer