Sunday, February 21, 2016


Religion:  Chapter 13:  Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary during Lent and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet weekly.
We pray the Stations of the Cross on Thursdays during Lent.
Saint of the Week:  Chair of Peter 

Reading/English:  Unit 8:  Text types and purposes:  write opinion pieces
-skills:  orally present their opinion papers to the class, conjunctions, review prepositions

Spelling:  ea words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:
beach, clean, dream, each, eat, lean, please, sea, team, treat, colors, sign

List 2:
beach, beast, dream, easiest, leaves, prettier, really, screamed, teacher, sleepiest, colors, sign

Math:  Chapter 8:  Two Digit Addition and Subtraction
skills:  make ten to add, use place value to add, word problems, and practice addition and subtraction
Science:  cleanliness, exercise, proper nutrition, and how colds are spread
-personal hygiene and healthy choices

Social Studies:   identify coins / bills and money symbols
-identify coins, value of coins, and count money

Notes from the Teacher:
 -We would like to thank the dental students who came to our room last Thursday to talk with the children about the importance of good dental hygiene.  It was a lot of fun and very informative!   Check SeeSaw for pictures!  

-Mrs. Krampe (school nurse) will talk to the children about the heart, bones, and muscles on Monday.

-We are practicing counting money (coins).  It would be very helpful if you worked with your child on counting various amounts of money at home. Thanks!

Upcoming Events
Feb. 23- Officer DARE visits our classroom
Feb. 25- 9:00 Mass
Feb. 26- Free Dress Day
Feb. 27- 10:00-12:00 Used Uniform Sale at the K-3 Campus Cafeteria
Mar. 3- 9:00- Mass / National Anthem Day
Mar. 4- School IS in session
Mar. 7- Registration for the 2016-2017 Year begins
Mar. 7- RiverPark (makeup) – Peter Rabbit Tales
Mar. 10- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 11- Jubilee Jam
Mar. 14-18- Book Fair
Mar. 18- Free Dress Day / tornado drill / report cards go home