Friday, January 1, 2016


Religion:  Chapter 10:  We Celebrate the Gift of the Eucharist
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary this week.
Saint of the Week:  Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Reading/English:  Unit 7:  Reading Informational Text:  Craft and Structure
skills:  ask and answer questions to figure out the meaning of words, ask key details in a text read aloud, prefixes (re-) and suffixes (-ful), sounds for inflected ending -ed, er, ir, and ur sounds in words 

Spelling:  -ed words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  ask, asked, call, called, help, helped, jog, jogged, plan, planned, again, soon

List 2:  artist, charge, garden, parking, started dropped, flipping, planned, shutting, swimming, again, soon

Math:  Chapter 6:  Count and Model Numbers
skills:  tens and ones-compare tens rods and tens frames, tens and ones to 50, tens and ones to 100, and show numbers in different ways

Science:  Chapter 10:  Learning About Energy
We will discuss what gives off heat and what energy can do.  We will also talk about different forms of energy.

Social Studies:  Maps and Map skills
We will discuss cardinal and intermediate directions, map legends, globes, and continents

Notes from the teacher:
-Welcome back!  I hope you and your family had a wonderful and Blessed Christmas!

-Report cards will be sent home Monday and need to be signed and returned to school.    Thank you!

 - Thank you for the generous Christmas gifts I received!  And thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with our Christmas party or sent in “goodies and prizes”.  You helped make the day very special for all of us!  Thank you!

-WE WILL HAVE SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY.  Your child may bring 1 thing he/she received for Christmas to share with the class.  It must be small enough to fit into their backpack.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ELECTRONIC ITEMS.  They are just too fragile and precious!  Thanks!

A New Year of Events:

Jan. 7- 9:00 Mass
Jan. 8- 1:15-Jubilee Jam
Jan. 13- Lock Down Drill
Jan. 14- NO Mass-Priests are on convocation/10:00- Bluegrass Assembly in the Gym
Jan. 18- Martin Luther King Day-NO School
Jan. 21-Rosary Prayer Service in the Gym
Jan. 28- No Mass
Jan. 29- Free Dress Day
Feb. 1-5- Catholic Schools Week
Feb. 1- I Love My School Day
Feb. 2- Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day
Feb. 3- Student Appreciation Day
Feb. 4- Parent Appreciation Day and Fun in Faith Day / 9:00 Mass
Feb. 5- Grandparents Day

Feb. 9- Field Trip to RiverPark- “Peter Rabbit Tales”