Saint of the week: St. Luke
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
***Our Prayer Day is Friday!***
Reading / English:
skills: text types and purposes: write informative texts, commas in a series, in dates, and in longer sentences, and past, present, and future tense verbs, contractions n't, 'll
Spelling: long o words
-pretest- Monday
-final test- Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: bone, home, hope, hose, joke, rode, rose, stone, those, woke, there, together
List 2: choke, froze, globe, stole, drove, can't, isn't, she'll, haven't, wasn't, there, together
Math: Addition Strategies
skills: doubles and doubles plus 1 (addition fluency)
Science: Investigating and measuring pumpkins activities
Social Studies: We will discuss the basic concept of citizenship/democracy.
Notes from the Teacher:
- Thank you for coming to the Parent / teacher
conferences. I enjoyed talking with
all of you!
- Our
Prayer day is this Friday. Thanks
to all who volunteered to help.
Volunteers should be here by 8:00.
Thank you!
- Guidance Program Blog:
Upcoming Events:
-Oct. 29- 9:00 Rosary Service in the
-Oct. 30- Free Dress Day/CRAZY Hat
Day for students
-Oct. 30- 1st Grade
Prayer Day- THANK YOU for volunteering to help!
-Nov. 3- Election Day-NO SCHOOL
-Nov. 5- 9:00- Mass
-Nov. 12- 9:00- Mass
-Nov. 19- 9:00- Mass
-Nov. 20- OHRH Health Assessments
-Nov. 21-Parents can pick up
Cookie/Chocolate Orders
-Nov. 25-27- Thanksgiving Break-
No School
-Dec. 3- 9:00- Mass
-Dec. 8- 9:00- Feast of the
Immaculate Conception Mass ***THIS IS OUR MASS!!!***
-Dec. 11- 1:00- Christmas Program