We will pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
skills: inflected endings (-s), text types and purposes: writing nonfictional narratives, sequencing with time order words, review of common and proper nouns
Spelling: inflected endings -s
pretest Tuesday
final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: fit, fits, hit, hits, nap, naps, sit, sits, win, wins, her, too
List 2: kicks, licks, quits, gabs, traps, backing, sticking, fixing, waxing, quacking, her, too
-skills: counting back, using a number line to show the students how to count backward, counting ten more, ten less, one more, one less
Science: plants and animals help each other, how plants are used, how animals help people
Social Studies: problem solving techniques to settle conflicts
Notes from the Teacher:
-I am amazed
at how the children have embraced AR!
They are reading all the time!
I’m very
proud of them!
-Our first
PTO meeting of the year is Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 6:00 in the K-3 Cafeteria.
-We took our
first MAP test (reading) last Wednesday.
This week we will take the math part.
We’ll discuss the results at parent-teacher conferences.
-The children
are really getting into the groove of school.
It’s hard to believe it’s already September!
-We will reenact our Baptism Friday at
school. Your child may bring in a baby
doll for this. Please make sure the doll
is small enough to fit in their backpacks.
Upcoming Events:
-Sept. 7-
Labor Day-No School
-Sept. 8-
6:00-PTO Meeting at K-3 Campus
-Sept. 10-
9:00 Mass
-Sept. 11-
9:00 Bus Safety
-Sept. 17-
9:00 Mass
-Sept. 18-
School Picture Day- free dress
-Sept. 24-
9:00 Mass/ Students who purchased a spirit shirt from the OCHS football team
may wear it to school with uniform bottoms.
-Sept. 25-
No School/ PTO Tailgate Party
-Oct. 1-
9:00 Mass
-Oct. 8-
No Mass- Confessions for 3rd graders
-Oct. 8-
9:00 Fire Safety with the Fire Department
-Oct. 12-16- FALL BREAK
-Oct. 19- Report Cards go home/
World’s Finest Cookie Fundraiser (in place of Market Day) begins
-Oct. 21-22- Parent Teacher Conferences