We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
Reading: short i, final x, characters, setting, and main event in a story, fable, realism, and fantasy
Spelling: short i words
-pretest Monday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: in, it, did, sit, six, fix, lip, mix, pin, wig, and, take
List 2: grin, grip, thin, thick, quick, quit, dish, fish, trim, trick, and, take
Math: Count and Model Numbers
-skills: count by ones to 120, order numbers to 120
Science: Living and Nonliving
Social Studies: learning and modeling self-discipline, self-control, cooperation, and group skills
Notes from the Teacher:
- I enjoyed talking
with all of you on curriculum night! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and
ideas with me. J
-We will begin taking AR tests on Monday. The tests can be a little tricky at
times. Please encourage your child to
read their book twice before taking a test on it. This will help with
Important School Events:
-Aug. 27-9:00- Mass
-Aug. 28- Lock Down Drill
-Sept. 3-9:00- Mass
-Sept. 4- Blood Drive in Memory of Kate Hayden
-Sept. 7-
Labor Day-No School
-Sept. 10- 9:00-Mass
-Sept. 11- 9:00-Bus Safety
-Sept. 17- 9:00-Mass
-Sept. 18- School Picture Day-Free Dress
-Sept 24- 9:00-Mass – Students who purchased a Spirit Shirt
may wear it to school with uniform bottoms.
-Sept. 25- Professional Development-No School
-Sept 25- PTO Tailgate Party
-Oct. 1-
9:00- Mass