We will say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
We will pray the Stations of the Cross on Thursdays at 1:00.
Reading: The Lady in the Moon
-skills: long i: ie, igh, realism/fantasy, kn, wr, adjectives for what kind
-story test Thursday
Spelling: long i: ie, igh words
-pretest Monday
-dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: bright, high, lie, light, might, night, pie, right, tie, tight, above, laugh
List 2: flies, delight, tried, firefighter, sight, knelt, knock, shipwreck, wreath, wrong, above, laugh
Math: Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction
-skills: add and subtract with 20, add tens, subtract tens
Science: Chapter 8: Observing Matter
Social Studies: Women's History
Notes from the Teacher:
-Registration to
attend OCS for the 2015-2016 School Year has begun! Registration helps us plan
for staffing for next year. It is very important that you get
your form filled out ONLINE as soon as possible.
You should receive an email from OCS with information. If
you get your forms filled in and submitted by March 27, your $50 deposit will
be applied toward tuition. If your child will need After School Care, you
will also sign up for this during ONLINE registration. It is VERY IMPORTANT
that you register ASAP, as this program fills up quickly.
-The Book Fair is next week. We will preview the books
first and then the children will be able to purchase items later in the week. Here
is a link to our Book Fair and the hours it is open:
--This is the LAST MONTH for Book It!
Upcoming Events
Mar. 23-27- Book Fair
Mar. 26- 6:00- PTO Meeting at K-3
Campus / 9:00- Mass with Bishop Medley
Mar. 27- FREE Dress Day
Mar. 30- Report Cards Go Home
Apr. 3- Good Friday- School is
IN Session
Apr. 6-10- Spring Break
Apr. 9- Last Day to order Market
Day online
Apr. 15- 1:00-3:00- Pick Up
Market Day
Apr. 16- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 23- 9:00 Mass
Apr. 24- FREE Dress Day
Apr. 30- Mass
May 7- 9:00 Mass/ Crowning of
Mary after Mass/ Last Day to order Market Day online
May 13- 1:00-3:00- Pick Up
Market Day
May 14- 9:00 Mass