Thursday, February 26, 2015


Religion:  Chapter 13:  Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
We will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
Saint of the Week:  St. Katherine Drexel
Stations of the Cross on Thursdays at 1:00

Reading:  The Dot
-skills:  long e:  ea, inflected endings (y to i), theme, adjectives for color and shapes
-story test Thursday

Spelling:  ea words
-pretest Monday
-dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  beach, clean, dream, each, eat, lean, please, sea, team, treat, colors, sign

List 2:  beach, beast, dream, easiest, leaves, prettier, really, screamed, teacher, sleepiest, colors, sign

Math:  Chapter 7:  Compare Numbers
-skills:  hands on:  algebra- greater than, less than, and use symbols to compare

Science:  Chapter 7:  Weather

Social Studies:  biography of Dr. Seuss, Junior Achievement


Notes from the Teacher:

-I hope you saw the adorable pictures of the children dancing the Argentine tango on Facebook.  They are unforgettable!  If you didn't get to see them, you can still view them.  I saw them dance the tango one day during Music class.  It was priceless!  J  

-Don’t forget to read for Book It!  March is the last month.

Upcoming Events:

Mar. 5- 9:00 Mass/ Last Day to Order Market Day / Last day to bring in money for Habitat for Humanity
Mar. 11- 1:00-3:00- Pick Up Market Day
Mar. 12- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 13- Lock Down Drill
Mar. 19- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 23-27- Book Fair
Mar. 26- 6:00- PTO Meeting at K-3 Campus
Mar. 26- 9:00- Mass with Bishop Medley
Mar. 27- FREE Dress Day
Apr. 2- No Mass- Holy Thursday
Apr. 3- School is IN SESSION
Apr. 6-10- Spring Break
Apr. 9- Last Day to order Market Day online
Apr. 15- 1:00-3:00- Pick Up Market Day
Apr. 16- 9:00- Mass