Thursday, October 16, 2014

1ST GRADE NEWS ~ OCTOBER 20-24, 2014

Religion:  Chapter 8:  We Give Thanks to God
We will say the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
Saint of the Week:  St. Faustina
**Prayer Day this Friday**

Reading:  The Farmer in the Hat
-skills:  long a, cause/effect, c /s/ and g /j/, proper nouns
-story test Thursday

Spelling:  long a words
-pretest Monday
-dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  age, cage, cake, face, late, made, make, name, safe, take, could, old

List 2:  brace, shade, place, skate, trade, waves, grapes, classmates, page, stage, could, old

Math:  Chapter 3:  Addition Concepts
skills:  add in any order, count on, add doubles, use doubles to add

Science:  Chapter 3:  How Plants and Animals Live

Social Studies:  Fire safety rules - The Owensboro Fire Department will come to school Tuesday to talk about fire safety.


Notes from the Teacher:

Everyone did a fantastic job last month with the Market Day Cookie Sale! This month, the focus of the sale is on Market Day Pies. These pies are delicious and restaurant grade quality....PERFECT for your Thanksgiving dinner table. This month, we will offer the same incentive as last month- students may purchase one pie or make a $10 donation and get a FREE DRESS Day on Market Day Pick Up- Wednesday, November 5.
Orders are due WITH payment on October 29, or you can order online through October 31.

-Guideline of the Month for October:  COOPERATE WITH EVERYONE 

***Our prayer day is Friday, 8:15-11:00.  Thank you for volunteering to help.  It should be a great day!***

Upcoming Events

October 23- 9:00 Mass
October 24- 8:15- 1st Grade Prayer Day- Thank you volunteers!!!
October 24- Report Cards Go Home
October 30- NO MASS-9:00 Confessions for 3rd Grade
October 31- FREE Dress Day and wear your favorite HAT to school Day / Last Day to Order Market Day online
November 4- No School- Election Day
November 5- 1:00-3:00- Market Day Pick Up
November 5-6- Parent- Teacher Conferences
November 6- 9:00 Mass
November 11- Picture Retake Day
November 13- 9:00 Mass
November 19- 1st Grade Field Trip to RiverPark
November 20- 9:00 OUR MASS!!
November 21- FREE Dress Day
November 26-28- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break