Thursday, August 28, 2014


Religion:  Chapter 3:  God's Word Teaches Us
We will say the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary this week.

Reading:  The Big Blue Ox
-Skills:  short o, introduce -s plurals, character and setting, introduce action parts of sentences.
-Story test Thursday.

Spelling:  short o words
-pretest Tuesday
-dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  got, hop, hot, lock, mom, mop, ox, pop, pot, rock, help, use

List 2:  flock, clock, stop, locks, rocks, crop, spot, prop, stock, crockpot, help, use
Math:  Chapter 1:  Addition Concepts
-skills:  problem solving-model addition, algebra-add zero
-Beginning of the Year test

Science:  integrated with reading

Social Studies:  community helpers


Notes from the Teacher:

-I am amazed at the way the children have taken to AR!  They’re really getting the points!  I’m very proud of them!  Please emphasize that they need to read the books carefully so they can answer the questions on the tests accurately.  When they rush reading the books and taking the tests it counts against them because it brings their average down.

Important School Events

Sept 5- Lock Down Drill/ Last day to order Market Day online
Sept. 9- 6:00- PTO Meeting at Owensboro Catholic Middle School
Sept. 10- 1:00-3:00 Market Day Pick Up at Lourdes Parish Hall
Sept. 11- Boy Scout Sign Ups at Lourdes Parish Hall
Sept. 18- 9:00 Mass
Sept. 19- School Picture Day J / 5:30- PTO Tailgate Party- front lawn of KY Wesleyan College
Sept. 24- Buster Bus and Bus Safety