Thursday, April 24, 2014


Religion:  Chapter 16:  The Holy Spirit Helps Us Pray
We will be saying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary this week.

Reading:  Mole and the Baby Bird
-Skills:  diphthong ou, syllables, VCV, sequence, exclamations
-The selection test will be Thursday.

Spelling:  ou words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1: mouth, house, found, our, out, cloud, ouch, shout, round, count, should, loved

List 2: bounce, doubt, pound, slouch, underground, bonus, frozen, moment, silence, value, should, loved

Math:  Chapter 9:  Measurement and Data
-Skills:  tell time to the hour and half hour, practice time to the hour, chapter 9 review, chapter 9 test

Science:  Chapter 9:  Sound and Movement

Social Studies:  Second Step:  Anger Management, Derby Activities


Notes from the Teacher:


-May 23Picnic to Legion Park- parents and younger siblings welcome-Volunteers are also appreciated!

-May 29Spring Fling- Inflatable Playground in the gym for an hour.

-May 30:  Free Dress Day/ Last Day Prayer Service- in Church at 10:30- Students may leave with a parent or guardian as soon as the Prayer Service is over.  If you are not attending the prayer service you may pick your child up at 11:00.  There is NO AFTER SCHOOL Program this day.

Important Events

May 1- 9:00 Mass
May 2- Last day to take AR tests
May 7- Risk Watch Program
May 8- 9:00- Mass
May 8 -1:00 AR Rewards for 50 point milestones
May 15- 9:00 Mass with Bishop Medley
May 20- NO SCHOOL-Election Day
May 20- Last day for Market Day Orders
May 22- 9:00- Closing Mass
May 23- AR Picnic to Legion Park-Wear  GREEN Faith in Education shirt

May 24- 10:00-11:00 Pick up Market Day orders at K-3 Campus Cafeteria