Thursday, February 27, 2014


Religion: We will be discussing Lent this week.
We will say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary all during Lent.
We will also go to Church on Thursdays at 1:15 to say the Stations of the Cross.

Reading:  The Dot
Skills- long e:  ea, inflected endings, theme, adjectives for color and shapes

Spelling: ea words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  beach, clean, dream, each, eat, lean, please, sea, team, treat, colors, sign
List 2:  beach, beast, dream, easiest, leaves, prettier, really, screamed, teacher, sleepiest, colors, sign

Math:  Chapter 7:  Compare Numbers
Skills: hands on: algebra- greater than, less than, and use symbols to compare

Science:  Chapter 8:  Observing Matter

Social Studies:  integrated with reading / DARE


Notes from the Teacher:

- Market Day Bonus Days PIE SALE is here! The last time we sold pies we made over $4,000 for our schools. If every family in grades K-8 will purchase or sell 2-3 pies, we can exceed our goal of selling over 500 Pies. Order by Friday, March 14. PICK UP DATE: Saturday, March 22 at 10:00 at the K-3 Campus.

-AR NEWS:  Tanner McFadden has 100 AR points!  Way to go, Tanner!  Tyranda Stuart also has 100 AR points!  Congratulations, Tyranda!!

-The March PTO meeting is on TUESDAY, March 18 due to a conflict in schedule at the middle school.

-This is the last month for Book It!

-Pre-Registration to attend OCS for the 2014-2015 School Year is March 3- March 21. Pre-Registration helps us plan for staffing for next year. It is very important that you get your form turned in as soon as possible. In your Pre-Registration packet there is a Registration form for the After School Program. This MUST be turned in with Pre-Registration Forms to ensure a place in the program

Upcoming Events

Mar. 4- 6:00-7:00-OPEN HOUSE for potential and incoming students
Mar. 5- 9:00 Ash Wednesday Mass
Mar. 6- 8:30- Fire Drill followed by Lock Down Drill
Mar. 18- Last Day to Order Market Day
Mar. 18- 6:00 PTO Meeting OCMS Cafeteria
Mar. 19- Risk Watch Program with Owensboro Fire Department
Mar. 20- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 21- Free Dress Day
Mar. 22- 10:00-11:00 Market Day Pick Up at K-3 Campus
Mar. 24- Book Fair Begins
Mar. 27- 9:00 Mass
Mar. 28- 9:15- 1st Grade Field Trip to Riverpark