Saturday, January 11, 2014


Religion:  Chapter 10:  We Celebrate the Gift of Eucharist
We will pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.

Reading:  Frog and Toad Together
-Skills:  inflected endings -ed, -ing, r-controlled ar, plot, verbs for now and past
-Story test Thursday

Spelling:  -ed words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1:  ask, asked, call, called, help, helped, jog, jogged, plan, planned, again, soon

List 2:  artist, charge, garden, parking, started, dropped, flipping, planned, shutting, swimming, again, soon

Math:  Chapter 5:  Addition and Subtraction Relationships
Skills:  basic facts to 20, review, and Chapter 5 test

Science:  Chapter 7:  Weather

Social Studies:  Martin Luther King, Jr.


Notes from the Teacher
-Grandparents Day is January 31.  Children may be checked out by a grandparent (or a substitute grandparent) after the program.  A paper was sent home with this information.  Please return it as soon as possible.  Thanks!

-AR NEWS:  Corbin Atherton has reached the 50 AR point milestone!  Way to go, Corbin!!

A New Year of Events

Jan. 20- No School-Martin Luther King holiday
Jan. 21- Last day to order Market Day
Jan. 23- NO MASS—2nd and 3rd Grade Sacrament of Reconciliation
Jan. 24-Free Dress Day/ Blue Grass in the Schools Assembly
Jan. 25- Pick up Market Day Order-10:00-11:00
Jan. 27- Jan. 31- Catholic Schools Week
     Jan. 27- I love my school day!
     Jan. 28- World's Finest Chocolate Sale Begins (Jan. 28-Feb. 11)
     Jan. 29- Staff Appreciation
     Jan. 30- Sacred Heart Prayer Service 9:00
     Jan. 31- Student Appreciation Day- 1:00 PEP Rally- Students may wear ANY Faith in Education shirt with jeans or other bottoms.
     Jan. 31- 12:30- Grandparents Program- This is a Free DRESS UP DAY for students


Dear Parents,
Exchanging Valentine’s cards is a favorite activity for elementary students. All students may bring in valentines to exchange on Friday, February 14. PLEASE NOTE: Due to our new policy on snacking and food allergies, children are NOT allowed to bring in valentines with ANY type of candy attached to them or valentines that are packages of candy. There is no way to monitor and ensure that all candy brought in is on the safe snack list, therefore it is easier to just let the children exchange cards. IF your child brings cards with candy, we will have to send them back home. Thank you so much for helping us keep all of our children safe by following this policy.