We will be talking about the saints this week. We will be praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Reading: The Big Circle
-long o, contractions n't, 'm, 'll, sequence, days, months, and holidays
-story test Thursday
Spelling: long o words
-pretest Monday
-practice test and dictation Wednesday
-final test Friday
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: bone, home, hope, hose, joke, rode, rose, stone, those, woke, there, together
List 2: choke, froze, globe, stole, drove, can’t, isn’t, she’ll, haven’t, wasn’t, there, together
Math: Chapter 3: Addition Strategies
-add 3 numbers, problem solving-use addition strategies
Science: pumpkin life cycle
Social Studies: Halloween safety
From The Teacher:
help our PTO by buying a delicious pie from Market Day during November.
If we can sell 500 pies we will earn 45% for every pie sold. Thank you for your
support!! On line Orders are due November 12 and Pick Up is November 16 from
10:00-11:00 at the K-3 Campus!
-Students will go outside to play as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees, so please make sure your child wears a coat to school and brings gloves and a hat if needed.
Important Events:
Oct. 31- OMHS Health
Nov. 1- 9:00 All
Saints Day Mass
Nov. 8- Picture
Nov. 12- Last day to
order Market Day
Nov. 16- Market Day
Pick Up at K-3 Cafeteria 10:00-11:00 / K-8 PTO Chili Supper at Immaculate Parish Hall and OCMS
Nov. 21- 9:00 OUR MASS!!!
Nov. 21- 9:00 OUR MASS!!!
Nov. 22- Free Dress