We will be saying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary this week.
Our prayer day is October 18. Volunteers are needed and appreciated! Please let me know if you can come. Thanks!
Reading: Animal Park
-Skills: short u, cause & effect, final blends, questions
story test Thursday
Spelling: short u
Spelling Word Lists:
List 1: bump, bus, cut, jump, must, nut, rug, run, sun, up, many, into
List 2: bust, dusk, hunting, skunks, went, held, clasp, stamp, drift, milk, many, into
Math: Chapter 2: Subtraction Concepts
Skills: model taking apart and subtraction, use pictures and subtraction to compare
Science: Chapter 3: How Plants & Animals Live
Social Studies: transportation (land, water, and air)
Notes from the Teacher:
-Parent teacher conferences are Sept. 25-26. I’m looking forward to seeing you and sharing ideas about your child!
***Scholastic Book Orders are due Wednesday, Sept. 18.***
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 20- School Pictures Day
Sept. 21- 10:00-11:00 Pick up Market Day orders at K-3
Sept. 25-26- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sept. 26- 10:30- RAINBOW Mass at SportsCenter
Sept. 27- No School
Oct. 2- Risk Watch
with Owensboro Fire Department
Oct. 18- Prayer Day-
Oct. 18- report cards sent home