Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 19-23, 2013

Religion: Chapter 2: We Gather to Celebrate Mass
--We will be saying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary this week
-Opening Mass is this Thursday at 9:00.

Reading: Pig in a Wig
Skills: short i, final x, realism and fantasy, naming parts of sentences

Story test Thursday.

Spelling: short i words
Pretest Mon.
Practice test and dictation Wed.
Final test Fri.

Spelling Word Lists:

List 1: in, it, did, sit, six, fix, lip, mix, pin, wig, and, take

List 2: grin, grip, thin, thick, quick, quit, dish, fish, trim, trick, and, take

Math: Chapter 1: Addition Concepts
-use pictures to add to, model add to, model putting together, and model problem solving

Science:  finish Chapter 1: Living and Nonliving

Social Studies:

Integrated with reading/ animals
on a farm


DON'T FORGET CURRICULUM NIGHT WEDNESDAY AT 6:00!!  This will be a time to discuss your child's curriculum and expectations for the year.

-The children have really begun to “get into the groove”! I’m so proud of them!

-Several children have attempted AR tests already. That’s amazing! Please remind them that the important thing is to do their best on the test, not see how many tests they can take or how many points they can get. Thanks!